Join Right India as member
Eligibility for Membership
Any citizen of India of the age of 18 years or above who subscribes to the objectives and aims of the Party shall be eligible, provided that he or she:
- Patriotic, Non-selfish, broad minded and constructive in nature.
- Is not a member of any other political Party registered with the Election Commission of India
- Has not been convicted of any offence involving moral values.
Categories of Membership
There shall be 3 categories of members:
- Member of party: Every person who becomes the member of the Party as per the procedure prescribed shall be an ordinary member.
- Power Force Member: The members who is interested shall apply for power force membership mentioning the level as per party constitution, and after that he should get the support of ten ordinary members of the party.
- Power Force Executive: The party shall approach eminent people or subject matter expert from the country will be offered for power force executive membership mentioning the level as per party constitution, and collaboratively work for the aims of party.
Power force membership
- The person should be on regular or fulltime basis
- The person should have Reference / Assurance letters from 8 members about his / her good conduct.
- The person should be supported by at least 10 ordinary members of the party.
A person who has been an ordinary member for at least 30 days and who has followed the Code of Conduct for members and has actively participated in various programs of the Party, shall be eligible for Power force membership of the Party. Up on scrutinizing, power force membership shall be issued to suitable members. Power force member shall have the right to vote in party elections.
Membership Process
- A person may obtain Membership of the Party up on payment of the membership fee to the party representative by taking receipt with number, or Registration online by official party website with out any payment.
- A person shall become an Ordinary Member of the Party up on payment of the membership fee as prescribed
- A person seeking Power force membership of the Party shall send application to the central mail box RIM of the given address in the prescribed format.
- The application shall be considered by the central mail box RIM shall be acknowledged by e-mail with acknowledgement number. The applicant should provide a bond with his approved signature that he / she will work for the principles, aims and agenda of the party, if he/she fails to do or even he/she works against the party principles need to resign to the position obtained due to the party and need to go back in to normal public, he / she should not jump to other party with the existing powers or even with the influence. The applicant shall be scrutinized for the minimum qualifications like patriotism, non-selfishness, expressiveness, self-confidence and knowledge about most aspects of the country / state / district / location.
- The office bearers along with the existing National Power force members shall take the final decision on each application in its meeting held after the receipt of the application.
- The Party shall maintain a register of its members in the manner as it may be prescribed.
- The list of Power force members shall be frozen three months before the call for applications of candidates for any Party election. Pending applications, if any, for the Power force Membership shall be decided before freezing the list.
- The National Executives will be searched and identified by the office bearers, up on the interest of individuals National Executives cadre shall be assigned. The national executives upon their interest converted to power force executive to involve in party elections or in general elections.
- The power force Executives shall have the power to directly admit new members and preliminary scrutinize the candidates for the suitability as Power force member and recommend, the final decision will be made along with central office bearers.
- A person can become a member of the Party either at his/her place of permanent residence or where he/she carries on his/her business.
- If any Power force member changes his place of residence, he/she should get his address changed by giving intimation in writing to the party.